A 100 Million Dollar House

Print and digital material for the documentary film “A 100 Million Dollar House”
Movie director: Rešad Kulenović
Creative Director: Bojan Mustur
Graphic Design: Bojan Mustur
Producers: Aida Begić, Nidal Magrabi and Sead Kreševljaković
Production: Al Jazeera Balkans and Film House Sarajevo
Sarajevo, 2015

A Palestinian family living under military occupation is offered 100 million dollars for their modest home.  A former Israeli soldier struggles to come to terms with his past as he prepares to travel back to the West Bank, where he once served.  Their paths intersect in the holy city of Hebron—the most hotly contested area in the West Bank. 100 Million Dollar House is an intimate portrayal of the search for identity and the meaning of home in a society torn apart by conflict.

Al Jazeera Balkans and Film House Sarajevo

Creative Director / Film / Graphic Design




Bojan Mustur

Bojan Mustur

Creative Director / Photographer
Bojan is a distinguished scholar, holding both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in digital/virtual scenography for theatre, film, and television from the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo, under the Department of Product Design. Since 2008, he has been an esteemed member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Association of Fine Arts, Painters, and Designers. His artistry has graced exhibitions in over 40 cities globally, showcasing his visionary works. Notably, as a designer, he has lent his creative prowess to the realization of more than 35 theatrical performances across the former Yugoslavia. As a Creative Director, Mustur has collaborated extensively with esteemed UN agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. These include the European Union, UNICEF, UNDP, UN Women, International Organisation for Migration-IOM, International Committee of the Red Cross-ICRC, OSCE, and USAID.

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